At a quick glance, this is a classic case for treatment by
[email protected]
P.S. Stata is spelled "Stata".
Marino, Jennifer
> As part of my dissertation in epidemiology, I have case-control study
> occupational data that have left me baffled. I have work histories for
> cases and controls, with one record per respondent, thus:
> id jobcode1 industrycode1 firstyear1 lastyear1 jobcode2 industrycode2
> firstyear2 lastyear2 . . .
> so the record for a respondent who worked as a bank teller
> from 1979 to
> 1985 and then as a bank manager from 1985 to 1990 would look like this
> id jobcode1 indcode1 firstyr1 lastyr1 jobcode2
> indcode2 firstyr2 lastyr2 . . .
> 31040-70 383 702 1979 1985 019 702 1985
> 1990 . . .
> I need to figure out duration within job class as a predictor for
> case/control status. "forvalues" has come in handy to make job classes
> out of job and industry codes, for example:
> *engineers, architects, draughtsmen
> forvalues i = 1/16{
> gen tempjobnum`i'=jobnum`i'
> replace tempjobnum`i'=. if (jobnum`i'==185 & indnum`i'==681)
> }
> egen engarchdra=eqany(tempjobnum*),v(043 044 046 049 053 055
> to 057 059
> 127 173 185 217) drop tempjobnum*
> But I can't figure out how to get at duration in a certain job class,
> especially since jobs may overlap within (or outside) class
> or even job
> code. For the example above, if the respondent had worked her main job
> as a bank teller for Bank of Mystery from 1983 to 1989, but had worked
> part-time as a bank teller at First Bank of Other from 1983
> to 1987, she
> would actually have worked in that job class (and job code) for ten
> years, but summing her years would overestimate her time worked as 10
> years. I have the idea that creating a flag variable for such overlap
> using the same kind of indexed "forvalues" syntax is the way
> to go, but
> I'm not at all sure how to go about using the flag,
> especially since the
> job class is conditioned on the industry class.
> I tried thinking about it from the perspective described in
> the FAQ "How
> do I convert my spell-type data into a survival dataset?" but
> of course
> there's no failure event in case-control data. Please forgive
> me if I'm
> missing an obvious source of this information - I've looked
> through the
> manuals and archives, but I may be looking the wrong way, in
> which case
> a redirect would be much appreciated. Oh, and I'm still using STATA8
> because changing versions mid-analysis is kind of scary, but
> I'm open to
> it if my answers lie there.
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