On behalf of Ben:
Ben Jann wrote:
Thanks to Kit Baum, an update to the -oaxaca- package is
available from the SSC archive. To install the update,
. ssc install oaxaca, replace
-oaxaca- computes the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition of,
e.g., earnings gaps between groups.
Major changes:
o The package contains a new program called -oaxaca2-.
-oaxaca2- is a wrapper for -oaxaca-. It first
estimates all the models and then computes the
decomposition. -oaxaca2- is well suited for use
with -bootstrap-.
o -oaxaca- now has an -esave- option to save its
results in e().
Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology Zurich (ETH)
ETH Zentrum SEW E 28
CH-8092 Zurich
Ben Jann, lic. rer. soc.
Scheuchzerstrasse 70
Tel. +41 1 632 55 58
Fax +41 1 632 10 54
[email protected]
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