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st: RE: comparing 2 datasets, cf3, and output options

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: comparing 2 datasets, cf3, and output options
Date   Tue, 13 Dec 2005 22:01:52 -0000

I suggest -append-ing the two datasets, with 
a marker variable indicating which is which, 
and then using -duplicates- to check that 
duplicates exist on all other variables. 

[email protected] 

Carol Kolb
> I am trying to compare 2 versions of a single dataset that is being
> entered by 2 different people (double-data-entry of a large survey). I
> have used the cf3 command to generate the list of matches & 
> mismatches.
> What I would like to do is have these matches/mismatches listed by
> survey/household rather than by variable. Given there are 2000 surveys
> & 100 variables, it would make the correction-process tremendously
> easier for my staff. So, what I would like to see is this:
> Household code: XX-DD-123
> q00  match
> q01  mismatch
>        _q01   q01   HHcode
>            1         2    XX-DD-123
> q02 .... etc.
> Household code: YY-DD-123
> q00 mismatch
>       _q00     q00   HHcode
>           2          4      YY-DD-123
> q01 match
> ---------
> Rather than:
> q00 mismatch
> obs  _q00    q00    HHcode
> 12       2          4       YY-DD-123
> 32       3          2       YD-DE-129
> q01 mismatch
> obs   _q01   q01   HHcode
> 21        1        2      XX-DD-123
> 33        3        3      YD-DE-129
> Any ideas? By commands do not work with cf3 from what I can tell so
> far...

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