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st: Error in -mca- and -coranal- (correspondence analysis)

From   "Christian Holz" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Error in -mca- and -coranal- (correspondence analysis)
Date   Thu, 7 Jul 2005 15:08:48 +0100

Dear Stata-Listers,

I have to perform some correspondence analyses and did therefore download
the mca.ado and coranal.ado of Philippe Van Kerm (University of Namur, BE)
Unfortunately both ados always produce an error r(198) "operator invalid"
after the output of the principal inertia components.
Obviously there is something wrong in the ado file itself. Is it possible
that I experience a version incompatibility here (the ados were written for
version 5 - I, myself, use 8.2)?
Did anyone experience the same problem and found a solution/workaround?
Here the example from the help files for -mca- and the output I get:

. sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)

. mca foreign rep78 headroom, d(3)



 Total Inertia :      0.431

 Principal Inertia Components :

      Inertia    Share    Cumul
Dim1    0.308    0.713    0.713
Dim2    0.060    0.138    0.851
Dim3    0.039    0.090    0.941
headr_1:  operator invalid

Help is as always very much appreciated!

Christian Holz
Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Applied Social Sciences
University of Glasgow
Scotland, U.K.

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