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st: Model goodness-of-fit

From   "Subhash Pokhrel" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Model goodness-of-fit
Date   Wed, 15 Sep 2004 11:23:41 +0200

Dear List members,

I have two continuous variables and eight dummy variables in a logistic
regression model (n= about 17,500). I tried to test the model goodness of
fit with Hosmer Lemeshow test which gave me large chi2 value with very small
p value, showing the lack of fit. If I drop one of the two continuous
variables from the model, I get much smaller Chi2 with large p values. Since
this is the most important variable I would like have in the model, I would
appreciate receiving your suggestion as to how I could solve this problem.
Is there any other tests available in Stata? Surprisingly, while searching
the net I came across a very big criticism of using Hosmer-Lemeshow test.

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