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Re: st: getting output in a decent table (not text) format

From   TEWODAJ MOGUES <[email protected]>
To   Shige Song <[email protected]>, Stata _ <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: getting output in a decent table (not text) format
Date   Sun, 14 Mar 2004 01:28:51 -0600

Dear Shige,

Thanks much for your advice. It appears as if Latex is a sort of programme that is not part of stata. I will consider obtaining it for future reference. However, in the search on the web to learn more about what Latex is, I found two additional simple ways to create STATA output in table format (for anyone else who may have the same question): 

(1) after running the regression, type
and save the resulting dataset under another name. This works great! Only problem is that the new dataset contains only the "core" results, eg coefficients, st.errors, etc., but not other results stata may have generated, such as the Wald test, tests for autocorrelation, etc.

(2) log the results as usual, typing
log using greatresults
Then click on the "viewer" (the eye icon)
Click within that on "view your logs or any other file"
Browse and open greatresults
Highlight what you're interested in, then click on edit and on "table copy"
Paste into excel. Voila!


Tewodaj Mogues
Dept. of Agricultural and Applied Economics
University of Wisconsin - Madison
427 Lorch St. #317, Taylor Hall
Madison, WI 53706

----- Original Message -----
From: Shige Song <[email protected]>
Date: Saturday, March 13, 2004 3:06 pm
Subject: Re: st: getting output in a decent table (not text) format

> Hi Tewodaj,
> If you use latex, then there are more than one possibilities. 
> Check out
> "sutex", "outtable", "outtex", or type "findit latex" in stata command
> prompt and see how many options you have. Have fun!
> Shige
> On Sat, 13 Mar 2004, TEWODAJ MOGUES wrote:
> > Hello Stata users,
> >
> > I can imagine many of you to have had this question on their 
> minds no matter what your area of work: How can I create an output 
> of results of estimation work that shows up more or less neatly in 
> table form (ie with figures in cells as opposed to listed next to 
> each other as text. And I don’t mind if the resulting table is in 
> excel or other spreadsheet, or, say, a word table. So far what 
> I’ve been doing is:
> > * saving results (along with commands) by typing
> > log using myestimations
> >
> > * opening the resulting smcl file with excel, and setting fixed 
> width cells etc. so that things show up in table form
> >
> > * then formatting the resulting excel file by shifting things 
> around, deleting unnecesary cells, etc.
> >
> > The problem with this indirect way of getting my results into a 
> table format is that the latter formatting takes forever. So: 1) 
> Is there a way to create the log directly into excel or another 
> table form?  2) Can I log just the results, not results + commands?
> >
> > Thanks for any ideas!
> > Tewodaj
> >
> >
> > ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~
> > Tewodaj Mogues
> > Dept. of Agricultural and Applied Economics
> > University of Wisconsin - Madison
> > 427 Lorch St. #317, Taylor Hall
> > Madison, WI 53706
> >
> >
> > *
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> > *
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> > *
> >

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