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Re: st: Bug report: Stata crashes when inserting dataset with missing data via ODBC.

From   Michael Ingre <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Bug report: Stata crashes when inserting dataset with missing data via ODBC.
Date   Fri, 05 Dec 2003 16:45:14 +0100

Thanks to Kevin Turner at StataCorp my problem seems to 
bee solved with the next official update (next week). In 
addition, Kevin has offered me a special tailored fix of the 
problem until then!

I have to say that StataCorp is still able to surprise me. This 
time with what they call "outstanding technical support".  I 
couldn't agree more.


Michael Ingre

> Michael,
> This problem was fixed and will be in the next update. 
> The issue is only present with -insert- and has to do with 
the fact 
> that 
> missing values were were being inserted as large numerical 
> instead of 
> just NULL. The initial reason for leaving the large numerical 
> values was to
> preserve the multiple missing values that Stata supports (.a 
- .z). 
> However,as time went by, it became apparent that many 
ODBC drivers 
> simply could not 
> handle the larger values in the context that they were being 
> inserted. Many
> times the result was a crash. So the fix was made to convert 
> Stata missing
> values to NULL.
> --Kevin
> [email protected]
> Michael Ingre ([email protected]) writes:
> > I have a problem when trying to insert data via an ODBC 
> > 
> >. odbc insert _all, t(table) dsn(myodbcconnection) create
> >
> >When the above command is executed the first 4 rows of 
data is 
> inserted into
> >the table. Then Stata crashes (exits to the OS) and has to 
> restarted.>
> >The first 4 rows contains complete data and the fifth row 
has one 
> cell with
> >missing data.  If I enter a value in the cell with missing 
> and try
> >again, 10 more rows will be inserted into the database, 
> crashing on
> >the first row with missing data.
> >
> >The problem seems to be related to missing data. Other 
> functions seems
> >to be working fine (as far as I know): list, query, load
> >
> >My system config is:
> >
> >Stata       ver 8.2 31 Oct 2003
> >Mac OS X    ver 10.2.8 (6R73)
> >MySQL       ver 4.15
> >MyODBC      ver 3.51.06

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