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st: RE: At risk info. for -sts graph-possible to change labels for categories?

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: At risk info. for -sts graph-possible to change labels for categories?
Date   Tue, 2 Dec 2003 22:00:15 -0000

Yes. Copy the program, rename it and 
modify that section of the code. 

[email protected] 

Jannik Helweg-Larsen
> Stsatrisk is exactly what I've been looking for: It looks
> great!-Congratulations and thanks to Jean Marie
> I find this sort of combined kaplan-meier graph very useful 
> and would
> suggest that it became an official supported part of the 
> sts graph options.
> one question-If I may: Is it in any way possible to change 
> the labels "At
> risk 1" and "At risk 2" legend to the left of the at risk 
> information to the
> actual label-name of the categories being compared (e.g. 
> instead of "At risk
> 1": "placebo" "At risk 2": "active drug" )?

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