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st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: where did my matrix go after calling -diagt-

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: where did my matrix go after calling -diagt-
Date   Thu, 18 Feb 2010 14:38:48 -0000

Agreed that the finger does point in that direction. The implications for Moleps appear to be one or both of 

1. Use some other method for storing results. 

2. Clone -diagti- and try changing the line -clear- to -version 10: clear-. The revised program is your responsibility! 

[email protected] 

Martin Weiss

-preserve- does not seem to have much of an effect in this example, though:

mat a=(1,1)
mat l a

vers 9: clear

mat l a

Nick Cox

But that -clear- is preceded by -preserve-, so I'm not sure that's it. 

[email protected] 

Martin Weiss

" Somewhere along that chain, matrices are being cleared."

-diagti- says: -clear- in its line 228, which these days would not hurt
Moleps' matrices. Yet in this case, -diagt- being old, it is called under
-version- 9 where a destruction of matrices was still part of -clear-`s

Nick Cox

You've got much more than that going on. -diagt- calls -diagti- which calls
many other things, and so on. 

Somewhere along that chain, matrices are being cleared. 

It's not your problem below, but I did notice that -diagt- overwrites any
existing matrix called T. As it destroys such a matrix any way, that's
incidental, but using a temporary name would be widely considered better

[email protected] 


I´m creating a table using diagt (available from ssc) for different cutoff
values of p. However the matrix is lost after calling diagt (version 2.0.5)
and the same happens using this example-code:

(stata v10.1)

(ssc install diagt)
sysuse auto.dta
gen ind=price>10000
diagt ind foreign
mat a=(r(sens),r(spec))
mat list a
diagt ind foreign
mat dir

viewsource diagt.ado --no reference as far as I can tell to dropping of
matrices...Neither with diagti.

There is a previous post with diagt for bootstrap purposes, but there is no
reference to dropping of matrices.

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