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st: Log of the mean vs mean of the log

From   Estrella Gomez <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Log of the mean vs mean of the log
Date   Wed, 23 Apr 2014 10:51:04 +0200


I have a variable that is the number of downloads in a country at the
song level, so each observation is song & artist & number of downloads
& country & rank. I want to aggregate this at the country level and
introduce the sum of the ranks as dependent variable in a gravity
equation. I have aggregated taking the sum of the ranks and then the
logarithm of this sum. My question is: is this correct or should I
instead take first the logarithm of the ranks at the song level and
then take the sum of this logarithms? I am not very clear on the
difference between the sum of the log ranks and the log of the sum of
the ranks

Thank you very much,
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