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Re: st: Error in Poi's QUAIDS user-command
Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: Error in Poi's QUAIDS user-command
Fri, 18 Apr 2014 15:33:38 -0400
By the way, if the version is not the problem, consider moving this
thread to the Statalist forum
as this list is being deprecated soon and Mr. Poi may not get to read
the message.
Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez
Graduate Student
Department of Economics
Brown University
On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 3:32 PM, Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Which version of -quaids- are you using? Mine is version 1.1.0 and the
> code reads:
> if (quadratics == "") {
> bofp = exp(lnp*beta')
> lnpindex = lnp*alpha' :+ st_numscalar("e(anot)")
> for(i=1; i<=rows(lnpindex); ++i) {
> lnpindex[i] = lnpindex[i] + 0.5*lnp[i,.]*gamma*lnp[i,.]'
> }
> }
> --------------------------------------------
> Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez
> Graduate Student
> Department of Economics
> Brown University
> On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 2:43 PM, Robin Winkler <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I believe I have found a serious error in the way in which the QUAIDS
>> user command written by Brian Poi computes elasticities.
>> In the Mata code underlying the ado file - the relevant bit is pasted
>> below - the price index *lnpindex* used to compute the elasticities
>> does not include alpha 0, which is entered into the command suite as
>> *anot*. Hence, I have had the problem that my price index was
>> underestimated, and the magnitude of the computed expenditure
>> elasticities tend to be way overstated.
>> Should Mr Poi read this, I would be grateful for a comment.
>> Robin
>> *! version 1.0.0 29dec2011
>> /*
>> _quaids__utils.mata
>> Mata routines called by
>> nlsur__quaids.ado
>> quaids_estat.ado
>> quaids_p.ado
>> */
>> mata
>> mata set matastrict on
>> void _quaids__expelas(string scalar touses,
>> string scalar quadratics,
>> string scalar atmeans,
>> string scalar lnps,
>> string scalar lnexps,
>> real scalar ndemo,
>> string scalar demos,
>> string scalar expelass)
>> {
>> real scalar i
>> real vector alpha, beta, lambda, rho
>> real vector bofp, cofp, lnpindex, lnexp, mbar
>> real matrix gamma, eta
>> real matrix shares, expelas, lnp, demo
>> alpha = st_matrix("e(alpha)")
>> beta = st_matrix("e(beta)")
>> gamma = st_matrix("e(gamma)")
>> if (quadratics == "") {
>> lambda = st_matrix("e(lambda)")
>> }
>> else {
>> lambda = J(1, cols(beta), 0)
>> }
>> if (ndemo > 0) {
>> eta = st_matrix("e(eta)")
>> rho = st_matrix("e(rho)")
>> if (atmeans == "") {
>> st_view(demo=., ., demos, touses)
>> }
>> else {
>> demo = mean(st_data(., demos, touses))
>> }
>> }
>> if (atmeans == "") {
>> st_view(shares=., ., st_global("e(lhs)"), touses)
>> st_view(expelas=., ., expelass, touses)
>> st_view(lnp=., ., lnps, touses)
>> st_view(lnexp=., ., lnexps, touses)
>> }
>> else {
>> shares = mean(st_data(., st_global("e(lhs)"), touses))
>> lnp = mean(st_data(., lnps, touses))
>> lnexp = mean(st_data(., lnexps, touses))
>> expelas = J(1, cols(shares), .)
>> }
>> if (quadratics == "") {
>> bofp = exp(lnp*beta')
>> lnpindex = lnp*alpha'
>> for(i=1; i<=rows(lnpindex); ++i) {
>> lnpindex[i] = lnpindex[i] + lnp[i,.]*gamma*lnp[i,.]'
>> }
>> }
>> else {
>> bofp = J(rows(lnp), 1, 1) // 1, so now div0 problem
>> lnpindex = J(rows(lnp), 1, 0)
>> }
>> if (ndemo > 0) {
>> cofp = J(rows(lnp), 1, 0)
>> for(i=1; i<=rows(lnp); ++i) {
>> cofp[i] = lnp[i,.]*(eta'*demo[i,.]')
>> }
>> cofp = exp(cofp)
>> mbar = 1 :+ demo*rho'
>> for(i=1; i<=rows(expelas); ++i) {
>> expelas[i,.] = 1 :+ 1:/shares[i,.]:*
>> (beta + demo[i,.]*eta + 2*lambda/bofp[i]/cofp[i]*
>> (lnexp[i]-ln(mbar[i])-lnpindex[i]))
>> }
>> }
>> else {
>> for(i=1; i<=rows(expelas); ++i) {
>> expelas[i,.] = 1 :+ 1:/shares[i,.]:*
>> (beta + 2*lambda/bofp[i]*(lnexp[i]-lnpindex[i]))
>> }
>> }
>> if (atmeans != "") {
>> st_matrix(expelass, expelas)
>> *
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