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Re: st: Outreg2 - Obs. nos. out of range

From   emanuele mazzini <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Outreg2 - Obs. nos. out of range
Date   Wed, 16 Apr 2014 14:45:29 +0200

Ah, unfortunately it is not working...

2014-04-16 14:31 GMT+02:00 Austin Nichols <[email protected]>:
> .
> Maybe a problem in $path? Try
> outreg2 using `"$path/event.tex"', replace
> On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 6:51 AM, emanuele mazzini
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Oh, yes, I forgot. This is the command I use to obtain the table
>> (which normally worked in other cases):
>> outreg2 using $path/event.tex, replace tex(frag) label bdec(3) sdec(3)
>> rdec(3) nonotes ctitle(OLS) e(rmse N_clust) title ("Event")
>> I have also tried by eliminating the options, but it makes no difference.
>> 2014-04-16 12:40 GMT+02:00 emanuele mazzini <[email protected]>:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I am trying to obtain an output table with the command outreg2 after
>>> having run a very simple regression like:
>>> reg bil_trust `var'
>>> where `var' is a single variable.
>>> I then save my output with 'estimates save' and, in a separate do
>>> file, I recall it with 'estimates use'.
>>> The very odd thing is that when I then try to obtain my table, I
>>> obtain a r(198) error:
>>> Obs. nos. out of range
>>> The thing is very odd, because I also have additional regressions
>>> (with further variables), but in that case, by using the very same
>>> procedure, I have no error at all.
>>> Does anyone knows why and how could I solve it?
>>> Thank you all in advance,
>>> Best,
>>> Emanuele
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