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st: Why Do I get Different Results in Stata and Spss?

From   Yuval Arbel <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Why Do I get Different Results in Stata and Spss?
Date   Sun, 6 Apr 2014 16:06:48 +0300

Dear Statalisters,

I ran the following model in stata and spss and got different results.
Obviously, there are degrees-of-freedom problem in this dataset, but I
wonder whether this is the reason I got very different results.

Here is the output:

. reg close_avg_after1 close_avg_before tal100_before equity_return
leverage inventory_cycle costumers_cycle suppliers_cycle gor
> ss_profit_per liquidity working_capital cash_flowoversales rate_ofnetprofit valuestock equityvsbalance equitymultiplier ratioo
> fshorttermloanslongterm interestcoverageratio rateofsalesexpenses

      Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =      19
-------------+------------------------------           F( 18,     0) =       .
       Model |  1999905.68    18  111105.871           Prob > F      =       .
    Residual |           0     0           .           R-squared     =  1.0000
-------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =       .
       Total |  1999905.68    18  111105.871           Root MSE      =       0

             close_avg_after1 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|
    [95% Conf. Interval]
             close_avg_before |   2.185104          .        .       .
           .           .
                tal100_before |  -6.284746          .        .       .
           .           .
                equity_return |  -.0717535          .        .       .
           .           .
                     leverage |  -83.99337          .        .       .
           .           .
              inventory_cycle |  -1.484844          .        .       .
           .           .
              costumers_cycle |    4.74203          .        .       .
           .           .
              suppliers_cycle |  -1.866507          .        .       .
           .           .
             gorss_profit_per |  -10306.54          .        .       .
           .           .
                    liquidity |   5696.688          .        .       .
           .           .
              working_capital |   4.95e-07          .        .       .
           .           .
           cash_flowoversales |  -4959.692          .        .       .
           .           .
             rate_ofnetprofit |  -473.2787          .        .       .
           .           .
                   valuestock |   85.21832          .        .       .
           .           .
              equityvsbalance |  -3335.051          .        .       .
           .           .
             equitymultiplier |   6.059973          .        .       .
           .           .
ratioofshorttermloanslongterm |  -6718.584          .        .       .
           .           .
        interestcoverageratio |  -3.395753          .        .       .
           .           .
          rateofsalesexpenses |  -1193.081          .        .       .
           .           .
                        _cons |   13705.22          .        .       .
           .           .

Dr. Yuval Arbel
School of Business
Carmel Academic Center
4 Shaar Palmer Street,
Haifa 33031, Israel
e-mail1: [email protected]
e-mail2: [email protected]
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