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Re: st: Mata compatibility problem

From   "William Gould, StataCorp LP" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Mata compatibility problem
Date   Thu, 20 Feb 2014 09:56:05 -0600

Sergiy Radyakin <[email protected]> reports having an old Mata
library file that he created, lgeochart.mlib, or perhaps it is a recent
library file created by an old version of Stata -- I'm unclear on this
-- but in any case, when using this file with modern Stata, he gets the
error message

    . mata mata describe using lgeochart
    .\lgeochart.mlib from a older version of Stata

This is an example of error message that was never supposed to be seen
outside of of StataCorp's walls because the eror can only occur when
Stata sees a .mlib file created by a version of Stata that predates
Stata being released to the public!  That is, the .mlib file -- written
in what we call mlib-format 1 -- was used only when Mata existed only 
inside StataCorp. 

When Stata 9 officially shipped, Stata used mlib-format 2, although it 
could probably still read mlib-format 1. 

I can't be sure how Sergiy created a mlib-format 1 file, but I suspect
that we provided Sergiy with a pre-release version of Stata 9 that was
still using the development format.

-- Bill
[email protected]
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