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st: metan "double" option not working, Stata 11.2 for Windows (32-bit)
"O'Connor, Elizabeth" <Elizabeth.O'[email protected]>
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
st: metan "double" option not working, Stata 11.2 for Windows (32-bit)
Thu, 30 Jan 2014 17:53:29 +0000
I'm having trouble with an option that has worked successfully for me in the past, but is now giving me an error message.
This code gives me the requested forest plot:
metan PPV PPVse if strpos(Intervention2,"OBPM")>0 & strpos(Intervention1,"ABPM")>0, ///
effect(PPV) lcols(Study ABPMType Threshold2) /*double*/ rcols(pos_screen) scheme(s1mono) ///
nooverall astext(80) textsize(160) nulloff force ///
nobox xlab(0.0, 0.5, 1.0) t1(Proportion of OBPM-Positive that are ABPM-Positive) ///
t2((Reference Standard=ABPM))
But when I take out the /* */ around "double" I get the r(198) error code. I've tried moving the double option just about everywhere else in the command, and I've tried running it with only
metan PPV PPVse if strpos(Intervention2,"OBPM")>0 & strpos(Intervention1,"ABPM")>0, ///
effect(PPV) lcols(Study ABPMType Threshold2) double
which also did not work.
I've searched archives of statalist and also the internet more widely. I am losing my mind looking at this! Any ideas are appreciated.
Thank you,
Elizabeth O'Connor, Ph.D.
Kaiser Permanente Research Affiliates Evidence-Based Practice Center
The Center for Health Research, Kaiser Permanente
3800 N. Interstate
Portland, OR 97227-1110
Ph: 503-335-6680
Fax: 503-335-2424
[email protected]
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