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st: Dynamically generating values based on description of other variables

From   Veeresh Thummadi <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Dynamically generating values based on description of other variables
Date   Thu, 30 Jan 2014 12:05:51 -0500


I want to create new variables of cities(and its values) based on the
existing description of countries by tourists. For instance I have
values for Countries (var1) as 'USA' 'Germany' 'Spain' etc. I want to
create new variables of cities-like manhattan(var3), columbus(var4)
based on Countries(var1) and description encoded in var2. So
'description'(var2) will have values like ' manhattan is a vibrant
city' or ' etc. So I need to create a for-loop of variables for
dynamically generating variables and values like
manhattan,chicago,columbus (say all the cities in the world). So if a
person mentions manhattan in his description then the new variable
'manhattan' dynamically created should have a value 1(0 if not visited
manhattan). I have tried this code but it has not been working:

foreach y of global Countries {
                    gen y=0
replace y=1 if (strmatch(description,"*y*"))


Veeresh Thummadi
Research scientist
Stern School of business
New York University
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