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st: -eclplot- and multiline labels

From   [email protected]
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: -eclplot- and multiline labels
Date   Tue, 28 Jan 2014 14:10:23 -0800

Dear Statalisters.

I am trying to get -eclplot- (SSC) to allow multiline labels, but all
the usual tricks (split with quotes, nested single quotes etc.) are
not working. Any suggestions?

*************************** Example starts here

* ssc install eclplot
* ssc install sencode
* ssc install parmby

sysuse auto,clear
parmby "xi:regress mpg i.foreign i.rep78", label norestore
sencode label, gene(parmlab)

eclplot estimate min95 max95 parmlab, hori eplot(bar) ///
ylabel( 1 "Excessively long label that should be two lines", labsize(medium)) //

*************************** Example ends here

Dear Statalisters,

I am trying to get -eclplot- (SSC) to allow multiline labels, but all
the usual tricks (split with quotes, nested single quotes etc.) are
not working. Any suggestions?

*************************** Example starts here
* ssc install eclplot
* ssc install sencode
* ssc install parmby

sysuse auto,clear
parmby "xi:regress mpg i.foreign i.rep78", label norestore
sencode label, gene(parmlab)

eclplot estimate min95 max95 parmlab, hori eplot(bar) ///
ylabel( 1 "Excessively long label that should be two lines", labsize(medium)) //

*************************** Example ends here


Andrew Lover
Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology Research (CIDER)
Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
National University of Singapore
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