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Re: st: Extend observations in dataset

From   Torsten Häberle <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Extend observations in dataset
Date   Tue, 28 Jan 2014 16:22:05 +0100

I forgot to mention:
11111 is the very last observation at the end of the dataset. The
extension should only be done to this very last observation.


Number       Year     Other variable of interest
77777       1975      9
22222       1972      8
11111        1999      5

Extension to:

Number     Year     Other variable of interest
77777     1975      9
22222     1972      8
11111      1999     5
11111      2000     .
11111      2001     .
11111      2002     .
11111      1998     .
11111      1997     .
11111      1996     .

All the observations before should not be extended. They stay exactly
the same. Only the very last one (11111 in our case).

2014-01-28 Peter Bilfiger <[email protected]>:
> I have the following dataset:
> Number       Year     Other variable of interest
> 11111        1999      5
> Now, I want to extend the observations so that it looks like this:
> Number     Year     Other variable of interest
> 11111      1999     5
> 11111      2000     .
> 11111      2001     .
> 11111      2002     .
> 11111      1998     .
> 11111      1997     .
> 11111      1996     .
> Basically extend the years by +3 and -3 and just copy the number so that for each year, there is the same number from the initial year. The other variables are not important. They can be missing.
> Can anybody help?
> Thank you.
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