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st: Re: Replace current values matching certain condition using values from other observations?

From   "Joseph Coveney" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Re: Replace current values matching certain condition using values from other observations?
Date   Sat, 25 Jan 2014 17:33:22 +0900

Chris Yang wrote:

I have a dataset that resembles the following structure:

group seq var1 var2 var3
1       1     3      2     3
1       2     1      1     2
1       3     2      2     4
2       1     3      2     1
2       2     3      3     3
3       1     3      2     1

Now, within each group, for all the observations whose seq > 1, I want
to replace the values for var1 and var2 with those of the observation
whose seq == 1. For example, for group 1 above, after the
replacements, it would look like this:

group seq var1 var2 var3
1       1     3     2      3
1       2     3     2      2
1       3     3     2      4

If there is no seq > 1 in a given group, then no replacement is needed.

Intuitively, it seems that I need a looping structure to go through
all the observations one by one. And at each step i will check the seq
variable. If it is greater than 1, then look up the values for var1
and var2 from the observation *within the same group* whose seq == 1,
and use them to update the current observation. The question is that
how do I do such look-ups in a loop?

As always, is there a better/more efficient way of doing it? Your
thoughts and suggestions are appreciated.


In Stata, you tend to avoid looping over data.  You can often take advantage of
the fact that its data operations are "vectorized".

Joseph Coveney

. input byte(group seq var1 var2 var3)

        group       seq      var1      var2      var3
  1. 1       1     3      2     3
  2. 1       2     1      1     2
  3. 1       3     2      2     4
  4. 2       1     3      2     1
  5. 2       2     3      3     3
  6. 3       1     3      2     1
  7. end

. bysort group (seq): replace var1 = var1[1] if seq > 1
(2 real changes made)

. by group: replace var2 = var2[1] if seq > 1
(2 real changes made)

. list, noobs sepby(group)

  | group   seq   var1   var2   var3 |
  |     1     1      3      2      3 |
  |     1     2      3      2      2 |
  |     1     3      3      2      4 |
  |     2     1      3      2      1 |
  |     2     2      3      2      3 |
  |     3     1      3      2      1 |

. exit

end of do-file

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