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Re: st: Unexpected end of file in mata.

From   Amadou DIALLO <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Unexpected end of file in mata.
Date   Thu, 23 Jan 2014 18:09:25 +0100

Yes you're right, Nick. I am just testing, discovering, checking what
is possible, allowed and not (and try to understand why it is like
that). Frankly the mata mode is strange, but not as difficult it may
appear at first glance.
The fact that such condition is legal in mata could be useful at some
time in mata programming though. Nonetheless, many thanks indeed, in a
few days, I think I've learned a lot of mata.

2014/1/23, Nick Cox <[email protected]>:
> I didn't say that
> if (i = 1)
> is equivalent to
> i = 1
> and it is not.
> It is unlikely that you would want to write
> if (i = 1)
> because if i is defined as being 1 you do not need to test that fact.
> But it is legal in Mata, which is why it worked for you.
> The key point is that = and == mean different things, as should be
> familiar from Stata. (Stata's a little lax in allowing = sometimes for
> tests, as in -test-.)
> Nick
> [email protected]
> On 23 January 2014 16:52, Amadou DIALLO <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Thanks Nick.
>> Yes, the first part is obvious. The second one was the one I was
>> having trouble with.
>> Interesting. You mean that "i=1" is equivalent somehow to "if(i=1)"...
>> . mata
>> ------------------------------------------------- mata (type end to exit)
>> ---
>> : i = 2
>> :     if (i = 1) {
>>>        i
>>>     }
>>>     ;
>>   1
>> You mean that, in the second line, I am forcing i to return to 1
>> instead of 2? I'd never guessed such a behavior, especially since I am
>> in a "if" condition mode. How this could be useful in a program? I
>> need to think about it.
>> It's night here. Have a good night.
>> Bachir.
>> 2014/1/23, Nick Cox <[email protected]>:
>>> The first point here
>>> - I am puzzled to see that mata accepts both (i=1) and (i==1). Because
>>> it is that flexible?
>>> - I don't understand why the command if (i = 1) { reassigns
>>> automatically i = 1 even if i = 2. What is happening here?
>>> can be peeled off. In fact, the question already hints at the answer.
>>> i == 1
>>> is, and is only, a test, whether i == 1, and the result is true or
>>> false.
>>> i = 1
>>> is, and is only, an assignment. Stata is happy with
>>> if (i = 1)
>>> which takes place in two steps
>>> i  = 1 (assignment)
>>> if (i)   (logical test).
>>> If you start with
>>> i = 1
>>> and follow with
>>> if(i = 2)
>>> then your assignment i = 2 necessarily overwrites the previous
>>> assignment.
>>> Nick
>>> [email protected]
>>> On 23 January 2014 15:44, Amadou DIALLO <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> I have 2 remarks:
>>>> - I am puzzled to see that mata accepts both (i=1) and (i==1). Because
>>>> it is that flexible?
>>>> - I don't understand why the command if (i = 1) { reassigns
>>>> automatically i = 1 even if i = 2. What is happening here?
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>> --
>> Amadou B. DIALLO, PhD.
>> Senior Economist, AfDB.
>> [email protected]
>> +21671101789
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Amadou B. DIALLO, PhD.
Senior Economist, AfDB.
[email protected]
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