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st: adding the variable name to the label text

From   "Snapp, Kevin Michael" <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: adding the variable name to the label text
Date   Tue, 21 Jan 2014 21:26:51 +0000

I have a large PSID file I am working on.  As many of you will know the variable names aren't the most informative.  I would like to add the current variable names (like ER360001) to the front of the variable label string.  After that is done I will go through and manually rename the variables that I want one by one.  If have been able to use the following  to display what I want in the new label's, but I can't seem to change the labels.

. foreach x of varlist _all{
  2. local u : variable label `x'
  3. display  "`x'"  " " "`u'"
  4. }

Any input is appreciated.

Kevin Snapp

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