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st: Catplot problem

From   Neophytos Stylianou <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Catplot problem
Date   Tue, 21 Jan 2014 13:34:47 +0000

Dear Statalist users,

I have a problem with plotting a graph.

I am using Stata 12.

I have a categorical string variable which I want to graph as a bar chart based on each category percentage (below is the tablulation of the variable)
                     CATEGORY                           Freq.     Percent        Cum.
      01 Accidental: recreation        |     25,096       35.72       35.72
    02 Accidental: work related     |      8,602       12.24       47.96
03 Accidental: not work related |     15,459       22.00       69.97
     04 Accidental: unspecified      |     14,815       21.09       91.05
                     05 Assault                      |      1,244        1.77       92.82
              06 Self inflicted                   |      1,616        2.30       95.12
                    07 Suicidal                       |        195        0.28       95.40
                08 NAI of child                   |        213        0.30       95.70
                       09 Arson                       |        119        0.17       95.87
                       98 other                        |      1,486        2.12       97.99
                     99 unknown                  |      1,413        2.01      100.00
                                                     Total |     70,258      100.00

Unfortunately Stata won't do it with its graphics options so I used -catplot- which is a user written program downloaded from SSC.

I use the following command and it works perfectly

catplot category, percent

What I want is to have it BY 2 other variables (sex, agegroup)

So I am trying to use the command:

catplot category, percent by(sex agegroup )

But it says too many variables specified r(103).

It looks like catplot is able to plot a variable restricted to only one by variable. 

Is there another way of plotting the graph I want?

Thanks a lot.

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