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st: plotting median and its confidence interval

From   XU XIAO <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: plotting median and its confidence interval
Date   Tue, 21 Jan 2014 14:33:14 +0200


I am treating the data which have 3 time points, say 1965, 1985, 1995. Also, I have a bunch of vars on each time point.

var1 | var2 | var3———var8 | characteristic_vars | year

Now, since there is some skewness in the data, I want to plot the medians and their confidence intervals for different groups(based on the characteristic) in each year, and connect the median with a line. Basically, I want to see how the medians of these vars of different groups changed as time went by (going through the 3 time points).  

What I have tried was:
1. use .bpmedian to find median and ci for one var of one group
2. use .parmest to save it into a dataset
3. do it for each year
4. append the 3 datasets i got from the previous steps
5. use serrbar to plot it
After 5 steps, I got the plot for 1 var of 1 group, but I have 30 groups.

Is there any easier way to do it? I mean, is there something like ciplot but plotting median and ci of the median instead? Also, how can I show several vars in one plot like what we can do in ciplot?

I am looking forward to your reply,
Respectfully yours,


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