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RE: st: looping through variables that are not consecutive and have common stem in name
"Sarah Edgington" <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
RE: st: looping through variables that are not consecutive and have common stem in name
Wed, 15 Jan 2014 14:35:11 -0800
You shouldn't need the foreach part because each iteration of j results in
only one time variable. So your foreach loop only contains one element.
This should get you what you want:
forv j=1/164 {
replace count_sub300=count_sub300+ (time`j'<300)
If you were using the foreach loop you'd want -foreach v in time`j'-.
That's the other error that's probably leading to it "not working" (which is
too vague a description of the problem to be helpful in figuring out what's
going wrong).
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of David de Jong
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 2:07 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: looping through variables that are not consecutive and have
common stem in name
Oh geez, I wasn't kidding that I needed coffee. Apologies for the mess. Let
me go back to the problem. The reason why I framed the question as I did was
that I'd like to be able to run the loop across a subset of the time
variables. This is why I imagine something like "forval j = 1/164" would be
gen count_sub300 = 0
qui forval j = 1/164 {
qui foreach v time`j' {
replace count_sub300 = count_sub300 + (`v' < 300)
Nick, any advice? Thanks!
David C. de Jong, MA
Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology University of
214 Meliora Hall
Rochester, NY 14627
On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 4:58 PM, David de Jong <[email protected]>
> Hi Nick,
> Thanks for all of that, and for pointing out the variable mix-up. Time
> for my afternoon coffee, apparently.
> Much appreciated!
> Best,
> David
> ~
> David C. de Jong, MA
> Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology University of
> Rochester
> 214 Meliora Hall
> Rochester, NY 14627
> On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 4:25 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Something this should be sufficient:
>> gen count_sub300 = 0
>> qui foreach v of var correct* {
>> replace count_sub300 = count_sub300 + (`v' < 300) }
>> Notes:
>> 1. You said that you were only interested in the -time*- variables,
>> but your code looks at the -correct*- variables.
>> 2. `v' < 300 & `v' < . reduces to `v' < 300.
>> Nick
>> [email protected]
>> On 15 January 2014 21:12, David de Jong <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> I have the variables time1 correct1 time2 correct2 etc.
>>> I'd like to loop through only the time variables, counting values
>>> that are under 300 and not missing. I'm trying to use something like
>>> qui forval j = 1/164 {
>>> qui foreach v correct`j' {
>>> replace count_sub300 = count_sub300 + (`v' < 300 & `v' < .)
>>> }
>>> }
>>> It's not working. I'm quite sure that the 2nd line is not correct,
>>> but can't figure out what it should be. Can anyone advise?
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