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st: stcurve, hazard at(..) after stcox, strata()
Diana Camerini <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: stcurve, hazard at(..) after stcox, strata()
Wed, 15 Jan 2014 11:58:23 +0100 (CET)
My dear statausers,
I am running a Cox proportional hazard model on Stata 12.1,
and I need to show graphically the results of my model stratified by town (I have 6 towns in my database).
To create a single graph which shows the estimated baseline cumulative hazards for each stratum, I followed what suggested by Cleves, Gutierrez, et al. in the survival analysis Stata Manual.
That is, I performed:
stset t, fail (death)
stcox sex age social_status household_dimension ..., cluster(household) strata(town)
predict H, basechazard
generate T1=H, if town==1
generate T2=H, if town==2
generate T3=H, if town==3
line T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 _t, c(J J J J J J) sort
--> Now I would like to create one graph (now plotting HAZARD FUNCTIONS) for each stratum, with each graph showing more than 1 hazard functions (one hazard function for each of the 7 different age levels I have),
like one could do with "stcurve, hazard at(...) at(...)".
The problem is that we cannot use stcurve after stcox, strata().
Is there any startegy to combine stcurve with stratification, that also allows to manipulate or set the covariates at a chosen level?
I hope to have been clear in stating my problem,
Thank you in advance for any help,
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