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Re: st: set local for avoiding path names

From   Steven Nakoneshny <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: set local for avoiding path names
Date   Mon, 13 Jan 2014 14:49:19 -0700


The simplest was for you to go will be to create a directory on your computer specific to the project and place all relevant files in it. You can create any number of sub-directories as you see fit (highly recommended), but the simplest option will be to start with one folder.

Let’s call it "C:/My Documents/My Project”.

Create a do file in that directory. After whatever sort of default header you use (if any), the crucial line of code will be to -cd "C:/My Documents/My Project”-. Stata will change the default directory. Thereafter in the do file, you can call any other file within that directory without referencing the full file path (unless you want to).

Thus you can load mydata.dta simply by typing -use mydata.dta- and not -use "C:/My Documents/My Project/mydata.dta”-


On Jan 13, 2014, at 2:33 PM, [email protected] wrote:

> Thank you Mr Radwin I alredy ordered them, but I have to fininh a project
> tonight and I would really appreciate if you could help me this time. After
> that I promise I will get to reading.
> Kind Regards
> John Cybulski
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