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st: 2SLS, manipulating the coefficients of the 2nd stage
Eilya Torshizian <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
st: 2SLS, manipulating the coefficients of the 2nd stage
Mon, 13 Jan 2014 06:06:19 +0000
Dear Statalist members,
I need to serve a semi two stage least squares (TSLS) in which the coefficients of the second stage are manipulated.
Here I am going to present a very short and simplified version of the estimations of GDP = C + I + G in which, C and I are instrumented by G and VARIABLE1. The first stage regressions are as follows,
C = bc1*VAR1 + bc2*G
C: Consumption
VAR1: variable 1
G: Government expenditure
bc1, bc2: coefficients
I = bi1*VAR1 + bi2*G
VAR1: variable 1
G: Government expenditure
bi1, bi2: coefficients
In the second stage I need to put the total of the first stages' coefficients in the equation. I need to have the p_values and other reported statistics based on the total coefficients, i.e. I am not going to estimate any
regression for the second stage but I need to report the second stage's statistics based on the first stage's derived multipliers. Thus the second stage's equation is as follows,
GDP = (bc1 + bi1)*VAR1 + (1 + bc2 + bi2) * G
The code that I have attached below worries me from two aspects. First, I doubt if the replacement of coefficients in the second stage is done correctly? Second, I am not sure if the standard errors are biased or not?
The code is as follows:
*VARIABLES and MULTIPLIERS are written in capital letters
*Loading the dataset
use "StataSheet.dta", clear
*Declare time-series settings
tsset YEAR
*First Stage Consumption regression (1.1)
regress C VAR1 G
gen BC1 = _b[VAR1]
gen BC2 = _b[G]
*First Stage Investment regression (1.2)
regress I VAR1 G
gen BI1 = _b[VAR1]
gen BI2 = _b[G]
*Summing up the coefficients derived from the first stages
gen BT1 = BC1 + BI1
gen BT2 = BC2 + BI2
*Second Stage regression
regress Y VAR1 G
*Here I am trying to get rid of the biased Standard errors. However, I am not sure if I need to do this!
predict double RES, residual
replace RES = RES^2
quietly summ RES
scalar RMSE = r(mean)*r(N)/e(df_r)
matrix VM = e(V)
matrix VM = e(V) * RMSE / e(rmse)^2
*I replace the coefficients by the total coefficients derived from the first stage
matrix M = e(b)
matrix M[1,1] = BT1
matrix M[1,2] = 1 + BT2
*I doubt if I am right here. I need to replace the coefficient matrix with the manipulated coefficient matrix (M).
ereturn post M VM, noclear
*Saving the results for the second stage (2),
estimates store EST1
*Run a Wald test of the equality of the replaced coefficients
test VAR1 G
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