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st: Call for Papers: German Stata Users Group Meeting

From   Ulrich Kohler <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Call for Papers: German Stata Users Group Meeting
Date   Fri, 10 Jan 2014 19:13:20 +0100

Call for Presentations

Dirk Enzmann (University of Hamburg)
Johannes Giesecke (University of Bamberg)
Ulrich Kohler (University of Potsdam)
Kai-Uwe Schnapp (University of Hamburg)

Place: University of Hamburg
Date: June 13, 2014

Submission Deadline: March 1, 2014

About the Conference

We would like to announce the 12th German Stata Users Group Meeting to be held at the University of Hamburg on Friday, June 13, 2014. We would like to invite everybody from anywhere who is interested in using Stata to attend this meeting.

Presentations are sought on topics that include:

- user-written Stata programs,
- case studies of research or teaching using Stata,
- discussions of data management problems,
- reviews of analytical issues,
- surveys or critiques of Stata facilities in specific fields, etc.

The conference language will be English due to the international nature of the meeting and the participation of non-German guest speakers. (See for the proceedings of other User Group Meetings.)

The academic program of the meeting is being organized by Dirk Enzmann ([email protected]), Johannes Giesecke ([email protected]), Ulrich Kohler ([email protected]) and Kai-Uwe Schnapp ([email protected])


If you are interested in presenting a paper, please submit an abstract by email to one of the organizers (max 200 words). The deadline for submissions is 1st March 2014. Presentations should be 20 min. or shorter.

Finance and Logistics

Participants are asked to travel at their own expense. There will be a small conference fee to cover costs for refreshments and lunch. There will also be an optional informal meal at a restaurant in Hamburg on Friday evening at additional cost. The logistics are being organized by Dittrich and Partner (, the distributor of Stata in several countries including Germany, The Netherlands, Austria, Czech Republic, and Hungary.

You can enroll by contacting Anke Mrosek ([email protected]) by email or by writing, phoning, or faxing to

Anke Mrosek
Dittrich & Partner Consulting GmbH
Prinzenstr. 2

42697 Solingen

Tel: +49 (0) 212 260 66-24
Fax: +49 (0) 212 260 66-66

The final program, cost, and venue will be circulated in April 2014.

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