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st: Execute Stata ADO code

From   "Francis, Richard N" <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Execute Stata ADO code
Date   Thu, 9 Jan 2014 00:56:03 +0000

Hi Statalist,

I have revised the ADO code for a Stata program located on a network server, but I have no administrative privileges for this server.

Is it possible to execute the revised code without reloading the program on the server?

Eventually, the program is likely to reload on the server, but it would be convenient to work with the revised code in the interim.

If it helps, the first few lines of the code are as follows:

*		DOMENICO DEPALO 	- Tor Vergata University, Rome - 25Jan08
*		This version: 	- La Sapienza University, Rome - 14Mar09

program define sroot, rclass
	version 6.0, missing
	syntax varname(ts) [if] [in] [, TRend noCONstant /*
		*/ Lags(int -1) REGress SEASon(varlist) GENerate(string) RESiduals(string)]

    	if "`generate'" != "" {
        capture confirm new variable `generate'

If no work-around is possible, I understand.

BTW, the original code is available at:

Any ideas are appreciated!

Thank you!

Rick Francis

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