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st: New version of -project- on SSC

From   Robert Picard <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: New version of -project- on SSC
Date   Sat, 4 Jan 2014 13:15:57 -0500

Thanks to Kit Baum, a new version of -project- is available on SSC. If
your New Year's resolutions include reworking your Stata workflow to
better organize your data and Stata code, then -project- may work for

Type -ssc describe project- to get more details and -ssc install
project- to try it out or update to the new version.

The new version adds the choice of plain text or SMCL format for log
files (which are automatically generated by -project-). Each project
has an overall setting for log file format which is set using
-project, setup-. Users can override the overall setting at the
do-file level as well. For example, -project, do("") smcl-
will create "table1.smcl", even though the project is set to generate
plain text log files. Thanks to Jorge Eduardo Pérez Pérez and Roberto
Ferrer for the raising the issue and for testing the new version.

Also new, -project- now generates log files that record the output
from the -list()-, -validate-, -archive-, -cleanup-, -rmcreated-, and
-share()- management tasks. These log files are written to the
project's "archive" directory. The format of the log file respects the
overall setting for the project but that can also be overridden.

The -validate- task now reports on changes in project files, even if
the previous build was unsuccessful. This provides a quick way to
check for changes without having to rebuild a project.

Finally, users can now change Stata's current working directory to a
project's directory manually using the -cd- option (e.g. -project abc,
cd-). Thanks to Stas Kolenikov for the suggestion.


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