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st: How to post-estimation after log-binomial regression?

From   Mashhood Sheikh <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: How to post-estimation after log-binomial regression?
Date   Fri, 3 Jan 2014 17:38:05 +0000

Dear Statalisters,
I’m using data from a cross-sectional study (n=12,000), where the outcome(s) are not rare. What I have understood so far (novice PhD student here), that the best approach is to use log-binomial regression in order to get RR estimates. Since the log-binomial regression may not converge, predict propensity scores, and use them in the final model instead of adding 10 covariates in the model.
However, I am unaware of the postestimation commands one can use to assess the log-bonomial model? Any feedback is highly appreciated.
This is the command I am using to get RR with log-binomial regression.
glm Y X Confounders, fam(bin) link(log) nolog eform
PhD student, Institute of Community Medicine, 
Faculty of Health,
University of Tromsø,
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