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st: Labels for factor variables & interactions

From   Glenn Hoetker <[email protected]>
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Labels for factor variables & interactions
Date   Thu, 2 Jan 2014 03:09:53 +0000

In Stata 13, factor variables' labels are displayed (yippee!), but I haven't found a way to apply or access labels for factor variables and interactions.  

To clarify, if I regressed the following in the canonical auto database

	reg price turn i.rep78 c.headroom#c.trunk 

I would like some way to access give a label to the following variables and access it later.

	2.rep78, 3.rep78, 4.rep78, 5.rep78 and c.headroom#c.trunk 

I know that estout (among other packages) can handle this sort of relabeling as part of its output, but that doesn't work for my purpose.   The ideal command would be

	label var 2.rep78 "Repair rating equal to 2"
	label var c.headroom#c.trunk  "Headroom (in.) *  Trunk space (cu. ft.)"

But, those unfortunately don't work.

Any suggestions for what would work for the same purpose.



Glenn Hoetker 
Arizona State University | W. P. Carey School of Business 
Dean's Council Distinguished Scholar & Associate Professor 
Affiliate Professor   Sandra Day O'Conner College of Law 
Senior Sustainability Scholar   Global Institute of Sustainability 
Faculty Fellow   Center for Science, Law & Innovation 
[email protected]  | | 480-965-4566 

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