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Re: st: Margins not aligned for stacked hbar grc1leg

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Margins not aligned for stacked hbar grc1leg
Date   Thu, 14 Mar 2013 13:54:29 +0000

Comments on various levels:

1. This won't run without a fix: the last category of -q- is defined
as "above 65" but the last separate graph is for "above65" and there
are no such observations. That is, a space should be inserted to fix.

2. -grc1leg- is not explained as being user-written, and as downloaded
from where, and the code won't run unless it is installed.

3. I don't see why the graphs are being produced separately when they
can be produced as one. You just need -over(q)- and not to restrict
graphs to each age category.

4. However, stacking and showing the numerical values just doesn't
work well here when several of your percents are zero or otherwise
very small. There just isn't enough space to put the values for small
percents anywhere!

5. I suggest something different, in essence a table of bars. My
-tabplot- (SSC) is one possibility, but here's an approach with
official commands.

First, you need a different data structure.

reshape long a, i(q) j(answer)
label def answer 1 "No Change" 2 "Better" 3 "Worse" 4 "No direct
experience" 5 "Don't know"
label val answer answer
encode q, gen(age)
gen a2 = round(a,1)

Then I produce a table of bars.

twoway bar a age, horizontal by(answer, row(1) compact legend(off)
note(""))  barw(0.7) ///
ysc(reverse) xla(none) xsc(r(. 80)) yla(1/6, nogrid valuelabel ang(h)
tlength(0)) ytitle("") ///
|| scatter age a, ms(none) mla(a2) xtitle("")

Suggestions here:

If you show the numbers, you don't need the numerical scale too.

If you show the numbers, you don't need 2 decimal places.  Round first.

I've not disturbed your ordering, beyond correcting punctuation, but
I'd guess that "No change" belongs between "Better" and "Worse".

You need the Graph Editor too to edit "No direct experience" to two lines.

There's more in the same vein at

SJ-8-2  gr0034  . . . . . . . . . .  Speaking Stata: Between tables and graphs
        (help labmask, seqvar if installed) . . . . . . . . . . . .  N. J. Cox
        Q2/08   SJ 8(2):269--289
        outlines techniques for producing table-like graphs

and a .pdf is accessible at


On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 8:46 AM, kavita sardana
<[email protected]> wrote:
> I am combining 5 stacked hbar graphs. For the last hbar graph, for age
> group "above 65", margins are not aligned. Will appreciate any help on
> this.
> clear all
> input str25 q a1 a2 a3 a4 a5
> "18-24" 14.29 52.63 26.32 6.77 0.00
> "25-34" 9.04 65.96 23.40 1.60 0.00
> "35-44" 10.67 54.49 33.15 0.56 1.12
> "45-54" 9.01 67.57 22.52 0.90 0.00
> "55-64" 10.29 61.76 23.53 4.41 0.00
> "above 65" 0.00 69.23 30.77 0.00 0.00
> end
> graph hbar a1-a5 if q=="18-24", percent over(q, label (labsize(tiny))
> gap(20)) blabel(bar, format(%3.2f) position(center)) ytitle("Age") ///
> stack legend(off) yscale(off) yline(20 40 60 80 ,lwidth(0.25) lcolor(black)) ///
> saving(a1, replace)yscale(off) plotregion(margin( b+1 t+1)) outergap(50)
> graph hbar a1-a5 if q=="25-34", percent over(q, label (labsize(tiny))
> gap(20)) blabel(bar, format(%3.2f) position(center)) ytitle("Age") ///
> stack legend(off) yscale(off) yline(20 40 60 80 ,lwidth(0.25)lcolor(black)) ///
> saving(a1a, replace)yscale(off) plotregion(margin( b+1 t+1)) outergap(50)
> graph hbar a1-a5 if q=="35-44", percent over(q, label (labsize(tiny))
> gap(20)) blabel(bar, format(%3.2f) position(center)) ytitle("Age") ///
> stack legend(off) yscale(off) yline(20 40 60 80 ,lwidth(0.25) lcolor(black)) ///
> saving(a1b, replace)yscale(off) plotregion(margin( b+1 t+1)) outergap(50)
> graph hbar a1-a5 if q=="45-54", percent over(q, label (labsize(tiny))
> gap(20)) blabel(bar, format(%3.2f) position(center)) ytitle("Age") ///
> stack legend(off) yscale(off) yline(20 40 60 80 ,lwidth(0.25)lcolor(black)) ///
> saving(a1c, replace)yscale(off) plotregion(margin( b+1 t+1)) outergap(50)
> graph hbar a1-a5 if q=="55-64", percent over(q, label (labsize(tiny))
> gap(20)) blabel(bar, format(%3.2f) position(center)) ytitle("Age") ///
> stack legend(off) yscale(off) yline(20 40 60 80 ,lwidth(0.25) lcolor(black)) ///
> saving(a1d, replace)yscale(off) plotregion(margin( b+1 t+1)) outergap(50)
> graph hbar a1-a5 if q=="above65", percent over(q,label (labsize(tiny))
> gap(40)) blabel(bar, format(%3.2f) position(center)) ytitle("Age") ///
> stack legend(span rows(1) label(1 "No Change") label(2 "Better") ///
> label(3 "Worse") label(4 "No direct experience") label(5 "Dont know") ///
> size(tiny)) ///
> yline(20 40 60 80 ,lwidth(0.25 ) lcolor(black)) saving(a2, replace)
> grc1leg a1.gph a1a.gph a1b.gph a1c.gph a1d.gph a2.gph, cols(1) ///
> imargin(0 0 0 0) xcommon legendfrom(a2.gph)
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