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Re: st: Counting observations within groups

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Counting observations within groups
Date   Sat, 1 Dec 2012 14:17:29 +0000

You are naturally correct about missings for your problem. Another technique is

mark touse
markout touse totprod
replace touse = 0 if !inlist(sic, 12110, 11110)

su totprod, mean
local m = r(mean)
egen big= total(touse * (totprod>`m' )), by(fips)

On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 1:57 PM, Daniel Escher <[email protected]> wrote:
> Nick, thank you for your insights and for pointing out that it is
> safer to specifically store the mean as a local rather than rely on
> Stata's temporary memory of scalars. I tried your code below with the
> addition of a condition about missing data, and it worked well
> (roughly as fast as Austin's code):
> su totprod, mean
> loc m=r(mean)
> su totprod, mean
> local m = r(mean)
> egen big= total(totprod>`m' & totprod<. & (sic==12110|sic==11110)), by(fips)
> I had tried something similar (my Attempt 2) but without the necessary
> parentheses. Those make such a difference in this case.
> On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 10:07 AM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>> totprod > `m'
>> won't work unless the local macro `m' is defined. Two lines in
>> Austin's code not cited here showed how to do that
>> su totprod, mean
>> loc m=r(mean)
>> I can't test for your data, but
>> su totprod, mean
>> local m = r(mean)
>> egen big= total(totprod>`m' & (sic==12110|sic==11110)), by(fips)
>> is think equivalent.
>> Also,
>> su totprod, mean
>> egen big= total(totprod>`r(mean)' & (sic==12110|sic==11110)), by(fips)
>> is equivalent to that.
>> su totprod, mean
>> egen big= total(totprod>r(mean) & (sic==12110|sic==11110)), by(fips)
>> is living more dangerously as interpretation of r(mean) is postponed
>> until within -egen-.
>> The -egen- route is unlikely to be faster computatioally because
>> -egen- includes several lines of interpreted code;
>> all the important ones and none of the unimportant ones are in
>> Austin's code. However, it might be easier to work out in real time
>> that this is code that should work.
>> I attempted a survey of little methods in similar territory in
>> SJ-11-2 dm0055  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Speaking Stata: Compared with ...
>>         . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  N. J. Cox
>>         Q2/11   SJ 11(2):305--314                                (no commands)
>>         reviews techniques for relating values to values in other
>>         observations
>> The common ground is realised when you see that the argument of (in
>> this case) -egen, total()-  can be an _expression_ (which can be
>> (much) more complicated than a variable name).
>> On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 1:12 PM, Daniel Escher <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Austin,
>>> Thank you so much! I had forgotten about using levelsof to create a
>>> local of all values in a variable. In this case, your third option was
>>> computationally quickest, but I'll keep the first two options in my
>>> head for later situations. For some reason, totprod>`m' needed to be
>>> changed to totprod>r(mean). Thus,
>>> su totprod, mean
>>> g big=(totprod>r(mean)&totprod<.)&(sic==12110|sic==11110)
>>> by fips: g sbig=sum(big)
>>> by fips: replace sbig=sbig[_N]
>>> On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 6:03 PM, Austin Nichols <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> Daniel Escher <[email protected]>:
>>>> I sent my prior post a bit prematurely... I meant to go on to say--
>>>> but one does not need a loop for this particular problem.
>>>> Make a dummy, sum within county:
>>>> su totprod, mean
>>>> g big=(totprod>`m'&totprod<.)&(sic==12110|sic==11110)
>>>> bys fips: g sbig=sum(big)
>>>> by fips: replace sbig=sbig[_N]
>>>> On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 5:48 PM, Daniel Escher <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I am trying to count the number of mines in a county by production.
>>>>> I.e., I'd like the number of mines in each county that are above the
>>>>> overall mean of production, and the number that are below. There are
>>>>> multiple mines per county, which is identified by its FIPS code.
>>>>> Missing data are marked by . The data are in long format.
>>>>> Here's what I have so far:
>>>>> . *bigmines = # of mines in a county above the overall mean
>>>>> . *totprod = total production per mine
>>>>> . *sic = type of mine
>>>>> . *ATTEMPT ONE
>>>>> . sort fips
>>>>> . su totprod // to get mean
>>>>> . by fips: egen bigmines = count(inrange(totprod, r(mean), .) &
>>>>> sic==12110 | sic==11110)  // This gives me total number of mines per
>>>>> FIPS code - not those that meet the criteria
>>>>> . drop bigmines
>>>>> . *ATTEMPT TWO
>>>>> . su totprod // to get mean
>>>>> . by fips: egen bigmines = total(mshahrs > r(mean) & sic==12110 |
>>>>> sic==11110) // This gives me the total number of mines per FIPS code
>>>>> if any mine exceeds the mean
>>>>> . drop bigmines
>>>>> . *Then I read Nick Cox's helpful article
>>>>> ( which
>>>>> clued me in to -count-:
>>>>> . gen bigmines = 0
>>>>> . su totprod
>>>>> . count if inrange(totprod, r(mean), .) & sic==12110 | sic==11110
>>>>> . replace bigmines = r(N)
>>>>> The last attempt is what I want, and it "works." However, I don't know
>>>>> how to -count- and then store r(N) for each FIPS code. Using -by- does
>>>>> not seem to work. This probably requires a loop like...
>>>>> forvalues j = all values of fips {
>>>>>         count if inrange(mshahrs, r(mean), .) & sic==12110 | sic==11110
>>>>>         replace bigmines_hrs = r(N)
>>>>> }
>>>>> Is this close? Thank you so much for your help and time.
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