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Re: st: run stata in a batch mode using do file

From   Brendan Halpin <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: run stata in a batch mode using do file
Date   Mon, 17 Sep 2012 23:38:01 +0100

On Mon, Sep 17 2012, tashi lama wrote:

> Hello all, 1. It is very well documented to run stata in a batch using
> do file without parameters. But running stata in a batch using do file
> with parameters in nowhere to be seen. Any idea how to do it?
> In Unix would be if I have dofile mylog with two arguments firm and date
> $ stata -b do `firm' `date'

This will almost work. If looks like this:
args firm date
di "Firm: `firm'; Date: `date'"


$ stata -b do firmname 20120917

will produce the file mylog.log containing these lines (among others):
. do firmname 20120917 

. args firm date

. di "Firm: `firm'; Date: `date'"
Firm: firmname; Date: 20120917

>    2. How would you run stata in a batch mode using ado file in both
> unix and windows.
> Say I have a myjob.ado with 2 arguments as options namely firm and date

Here, you would run a do-file (e.g., that contains the line 
-myjob firm 20120917- within it.

Brendan Halpin,   Department of Sociology,   University of Limerick,   Ireland
Tel: w +353-61-213147  f +353-61-202569  h +353-61-338562;  Room F1-009 x 3147
mailto:[email protected]    ULSociology on Facebook:         twitter:@ULSociology
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