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st: What does +.01 mean, and what is "mltpr"?

From   Manussawee Sukunta <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: What does +.01 mean, and what is "mltpr"?
Date   Fri, 7 Sep 2012 07:02:42 -0500

I have inherit a handful of Stata codes, which are how I'm learning
Stata.  For most things I was able to search the internet or Statalist
or ask someone, but this time I'm really stuck.  They also have no
owner, so I couldn't ask the author.  So I hope someone can shed light
on my two questions.

1.            The following code makes adjustments for price increase
and inflation to price series at a specific time in the future:

                local date5c = d(15jan2013)
                local imp5ca = (`date5c' - d(31dec2012)) /
(d(1apr2013) - d(1jan2013))
                local imp5cb = (d(31mar2013) - `date5c')/(d(1apr2013)
- d(1jan2013))
                local inf5 = 1.0229
                foreach var of varlist price1 price2 {
                                replace `var' =
`var'*(((`inf5'+.01)*`imp5cb')+(`imp5ca')) if time == q(2013q2)
                                replace `var' = `var'*(`inf5'+.01) if
time > q(2013q2)

What does "+.01" do to `inf5'?  I know it's not simply adding .01 to
`inf5', but besides that I have no idea.

2.            The following code creates "multipliers" using the
regression coefficients (log linear equation) to use for forecasting:

                tempname e
                qui gen nrmulti_`sn' = 1
                local indepvar
                foreach varname in varlist exports investments {
                                scalar `e' =
                                capture confirm v `varname'
                                if !_rc {
                                                local e1 = int(1000 * `e' )/1000
                                                local indepvar
"`indepvar'"  "`varname' "  "(`e1') "
                                                mltpr  `varname'
                                                replace `varname'_mltr
= `varname'_mltr ^ `e'
                                                replace nrmulti_`sn' =
`varname'_mltr * nrmulti_`sn'

What does the line "mltpr `varname'" supposed to mean?  I tried
searching for "mltpr," but I came up empty.

Thank you so much in advance.  I really appreciate any insights you can provide.

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