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Re: st: problems with installing the quaids command

From   Marly Tatiana Celis Galvez <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: problems with installing the quaids command
Date   Fri, 31 Aug 2012 16:38:14 -0500

Dear Statalisters,

I have been written my program quaids for nlsur command, I have had
some problems with the estimation procedure, in the output only 60 of
105 parameters are estimated, I don’t know if it is because of the
program I wrote or something else. I am not an expert in programing
STATA. What can I do? Wait for the next article of Brian Poi or
continue studying the STATA programming module? I appreciate any
advice.  Regards

Marly Tatiana Celis

2012/8/31 Marly Tatiana Celis Galvez <[email protected]>
> Dear Statalisters,
> I have been written my program quaids for nlsur command, I have had some
> problems with the estimation procedure, in the output only 60 of 105
> parameters are estimated, I don’t know if it is because of the program I
> wrote or something else. I am not an expert in programing STATA.
> What can I do? Wait for the next article of Brian Poi or continue studying
> the STATA programming module?
> I appreciate any advice
> Regards
> Marly Tatiana Celis
> 2012/8/31 <[email protected]>
>> Dear All,
>> I just write to thank Dr Poi for the training he gave me on how to use
>> quaids command and also attest his position that " you will no longer need
>> to write a program using -nlsur- to fit an AIDS or QUAIDS model.  Just
>> specify your expenditure share, price, and optional demographic variables,
>> and it does the rest.  Post-estimation commands compute elasticities
>> automatically." I have been using it and it is working for me perfectly. The
>> forthcoming Stata Jounal paper on this by Dr Poi is must to those who is
>> interested in how use quaids command to solve demand system.
>> Regards.
>> Sola.
>> Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: "Brian P. Poi" <[email protected]>
>> Sender: [email protected]
>> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2012 12:08:20
>> To: <[email protected]>
>> Reply-To: [email protected]: Re: st: problems with
>> installing the quaids command
>> On 08/31/2012 11:53 AM, Nick Cox wrote:
>> > Brian Poi of StataCorp is a member of Statalist and can no doubt
>> > comment definitively, but a short provisional guess is that you cannot
>> > run -quaids-, whatever it is precisely, because you have not installed
>> > it from wherever it is published. This command, if it is one, is not
>> > part of official Stata and must be installed on your machine before
>> > you can run it.
>> >
>> > Nick
>> >
>> > On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 5:20 PM, Khalida Akhtar Choudhury
>> > <[email protected]>  wrote:
>> >
>> >> Everytime I try to run the quaids command, recently published by poi,
>> >> or maybe is still in the process of being published, I get the error
>> >> message quaids, unrecognised command quaids. I am using stata 12,
>> >> nevertheless i still have this problem.
>> > *
>> -quaids- is a user-written command that accompanies a forthcoming Stata
>> Journal article I have written.  The good news for users who fit demand
>> systems is that you will no longer need to write a program using -nlsur- to
>> fit an AIDS or QUAIDS model.  Just specify your expenditure share, price,
>> and optional demographic variables, and it does the rest.  Post-estimation
>> commands compute elasticities automatically.
>> I had previously been in correspondence with Khalida regarding demand
>> systems and sent a preliminary version of the command for Khalida to try.  I
>> have just followed up with a private message to help Khalida get it running,
>> as it is not yet available for download via the -net- commands.
>>     -- Brian Poi
>>     -- [email protected]
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