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st: Combining multiply imputed datasheets according to Rubin's Rules

From   Christoph Kreibich <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Combining multiply imputed datasheets according to Rubin's Rules
Date   Tue, 12 Jun 2012 12:52:51 +0200

Hello all,

I am currently working on a paper for a course dealing with multiple
imputation. The topic is about comparing the functions of multiple
imputation of R, Stata and SPSS. At the moment I am having some problems
getting everything to work with Stata and hope some of you are able to
help me out here...
The multiple imputation is done by -ice-. The imputed data are saved in
one file with indicators for each imputation. My problem here is that I
want one file with the combined results of the imputed data according to
Rubin's Rules. Is that in any way possible in Stata? In R and SPSS this
doesn't seem to be a problem but I can't figure out how to do it in
Stata. The reason I want to do have only one file with the combined
results is that I am not only interested in a regression model but also
in means, variances, correlations,...
I hope this makes sense and someone can give me some advice!

Thank you
Christoph Kreibich

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