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st: capturing estimated means and standard errors into a new data set

From   Kevin Geraghty <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: capturing estimated means and standard errors into a new data set
Date   Tue, 15 May 2012 15:53:09 -0700 (PDT)

I am sure many have confronted this problem:

I have a variable with some partition of subgroups defined , and want to capture the mean of that variable and accompanying standard error, for each value of the subgroup partition, into a stata data set.

I have written code to confront this problem pulling data out of the returned  matrices and dumping it into a temporary dset, but it is frankly pretty ugly and I am hoping someone can show me a more economical way to do this.

Here's what I have. note that "plat" is the name of the partition variable which defines subgroups. I am using the complex survey version of the mean command, but I believe the problem is identical with the standard version of the mean command:

    tempfile outfile
    local testvar <name of variable of interest>

    svy: mean `testvar', over(plat) level(90)
        matrix fu = e(b)'
        local vplatnames: rowfullnames fu
        local plats: subinstr local vplatnames "`testvar':" "", all
        svmat fu, names(col) 
        rename y1 `testvar'_mean
        format `testvar'_mean %9.3f
        gen int plat=.
        local i 0
        foreach plat of local plats {
            replace plat = `plat' in `++i'
        save `outfile', replace

        matrix var = vecdiag(e(V))'
        local vplatnames: rowfullnames var
        local plats: subinstr local vplatnames "`testvar':" "", all
        svmat var, names(col)
        replace r1 = sqrt(r1) 
        rename r1 `testvar'_sd
        format `testvar'_sd %9.6f
        gen int plat=.
        local i 0
        foreach plat of local plats {
            replace plat = `plat' in `++i'
        merge 1:1 plat using `outfile', nogenerate 
        save `outfile', replace

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