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Re: st: -estout- value labels

From   Eric Booth <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: -estout- value labels
Date   Fri, 20 Apr 2012 15:28:29 -0500


You could script something to automatically write the varlabels() option of -estout- for you.  
The example below shows you some ways to do this (it assumes (1) you have properly labeled all your variables _and_ values, and (2) you use the first level of all your categorical vars as the base level) and runs 3 models, changing the varlabels() option each time accordingly.  You'd have to do some adapting to your code/data.

********************! watch for wrapping below:
sysuse auto, clear

**clean up value and variable labels first
lab def r 0 "zero" 1 "one" 2 "two" 3 "three" 4 "four" 5 "five"
lab val rep78 r  //all your factor vars must have value labels

**set up models in macros
loc iv1 trunk price i.rep78 mpg
loc iv2 i.rep78 headr
loc iv3  headr mpg i.rep78 trunk turn displacement

**base level
/*set macro for your base level (assumes same base for all models for simplicity below)*/
loc base = 1

forval m = 1/3 {  //these are you 3 models
loc lab ""
**1. make a macro for the varlabels option of estout:
foreach v in `iv`m'' {
  if strpos("`v'", "i.")>0  {  //this is for factorvars
 	**this prevents locals from writing on top of itsself from prev. loop
	loc use ""
 	loc uselab ""
	loc use = subinstr("`v'", "i.", "", 1)
	loc uselab `" `:value label `use'' "' 
	levelsof `use', loc(i)
	 foreach j in `i' { //this loops over categorical var levels
	 	loc fl ""
	    if `"`base'"' == `"`j'"'  loc fl "b" 
  **note: you could make this last line change the base by variable type/name/some other attribute
	   loc lab `"`lab' `j'`fl'.`use' "`: label `uselab' `j'' " "'
	  } //end of j.loop 
} //end of if
 *this is for non-factor vars:
  if strpos("`v'", "i.")<1  {
 	loc lab `"`lab' `v' "`:var lab `v''" "'
} //end of v.loop
di `"`lab'"' //check your varlabel() option macro here

** run model
quietly regress price `iv`m''
est sto m`m'
** estout
estout m`m' using "mymodels`m'.xls", ///
replace label  ///
varlabels(`lab'   _cons Intercept)

} //end of m.loop

- Eric

Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute 
Texas A&M University
[email protected]

On Apr 20, 2012, at 2:54 PM, Ricardo Ovaldia wrote:

> Thank you. Is not hard. Just tedious when you have a lot of models and each with several indicator variables and categorical variables. 
> Ricardo Ovaldia, MS
> Statistician 
> Oklahoma City, OK
> --- On Fri, 4/20/12, Eric Booth <[email protected]> wrote:
>> From: Eric Booth <[email protected]>
>> Subject: Re: st: -estout- value labels
>> To: [email protected]
>> Date: Friday, April 20, 2012, 2:45 PM
>> <>
>> No. 
>>   Using the xi prefix just changes the background
>> labels used from something like "2.rep78" to "_Irep78_2" -
>> that seems to me to be the same level of ease/difficulty.
>> - Eric
>> __
>> Eric A. Booth
>> Public Policy Research Institute 
>> Texas A&M University
>> [email protected]
>> +979.845.6754
>> On Apr 20, 2012, at 2:35 PM, Ricardo Ovaldia wrote:
>>> Thank you Eric. Will the task be any easier if I use
>> -xi- instead of factor variables?
>>> Ricardo
>>> Ricardo Ovaldia, MS
>>> Statistician 
>>> Oklahoma City, OK
>>> --- On Fri, 4/20/12, Eric Booth <[email protected]>
>> wrote:
>>>> From: Eric Booth <[email protected]>
>>>> Subject: Re: st: -estout- value labels
>>>> To: [email protected]
>>>> Date: Friday, April 20, 2012, 12:53 PM
>>>> <>
>>>> I assume the issue is with using factor variables
>> in a model
>>>> (-help help fvvarlist-) that you are exporting via
>>>> -estout-?
>>>> Use the 'varlabels' option already built into
>> -estout- (see
>>>> -help estout-).  Also -estout- is from SSC.
>>>> Example:
>>>> *************!
>>>> clear*
>>>> sysuse auto, clear
>>>> eststo, title("M1"): quietly regress price rep78
>> mpg
>>>> eststo, title("M2"): quietly regress price i.rep78
>> mpg
>>>> **
>>>> estout * using "test.xls", ///
>>>> replace label  ///
>>>> varlabels(rep78 "rep78 test" mpg "mpg test label"
>> 1b.rep78
>>>> "1st level" 2.rep78 "2nd level" 3.rep78 "3rd l"
>> 4.rep78
>>>> "4th" 5.rep78 "5th level of
>> rep78"   _cons
>>>> Intercept)
>>>> **************!
>>>> - Eric
>>>> __
>>>> Eric A. Booth
>>>> Public Policy Research Institute 
>>>> Texas A&M University
>>>> [email protected]
>>>> +979.845.6754
>>>> On Apr 20, 2012, at 11:23 AM, Ricardo Ovaldia
>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> Is there a way to display value labels for
>> categorical
>>>> variables using -estout-? I can do it wit
>> -reformat- , but
>>>> can not figure how to do it with -estout-.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Ricardo
>>>>> Ricardo Ovaldia, MS
>>>>> Statistician 
>>>>> Oklahoma City, OK
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