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st: Clustering with Sequence analysis/optimal matching
"Stefan Weih" <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: Clustering with Sequence analysis/optimal matching
Wed, 21 Mar 2012 11:38:57 +0100
Dear Statalist-members,
I am currently analyzing diversification strategy sequences with 16
potential sequence states using the sqom (optimal matching) command.
As a common next step I would like to cluster my sqom-results. For this, I
am using the command sqclusterdat procedure as described in ?Sequence
analysis with Stata? (Brzinsky-Fay/Kohler/Luniak, 2006, The Stata
Journal6(4), 435-460). The syntax I am using looks the following:
sqset Seq ID Order
sqom, subcost(matrixA) full
clustermat wardslinkage SQdist, name(wards) add
sqclusterdat, return
However, the clustering does not work properly. After performing
sqclusterdat, return I keep receiving the following message ?Group results
could not be merged to sequence data. Returned to original sequence data?.
Unfortunately the cause for this message is not obvious to me. I am
thankful for any guidance and hints that can help me out.
Stefan Weih
The data looks like:
ID Seq Order
41 11 1
41 13 2
41 11 3
41 21 4
42 11 1
42 13 2
42 12 3
42 11 4
43 14 1
43 13 2
43 11 3
43 12 4
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