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Re: st: marginsplot is acting differently
Richard Williams <[email protected]>
[email protected], [email protected]
Re: st: marginsplot is acting differently
Sat, 31 Dec 2011 22:33:18 -0500
At 05:18 PM 12/30/2011, Richard Williams wrote:
-marginsplot- seems to be acting differently than it was a few
months ago, and the change is not for the better. Here is my code:
webuse nhanes2f, clear
logit diabetes i.female age, nolog
margins, dydx(black female) at(age=(20 30 40 50 60 70)) vsquish
marginsplot, noci
When I ran this a few months ago, I got a line for and
1.female, which is what I want. But, when I run it now, I also get
lines for and 0b.female. The latter are worthless because
they are simply the same as the X axis, i.e. the effects are always 0.
OK, I think I may have isolated the problem. If I go to the Stata 12
updates folder and temporarily rename the file _marg_save.ado (i.e. I
disable it) then I get the graphic I think I should be getting.
_marg_save.ado is dated Oct 14, 2011, which is after I created my
graphic in September. There are quite a few differences between the
original and new versions of _marg_save.ado, but somewhere in those
differences I think a bug got introduced. If the people at StataCorp
aren't checking the list while at their Company New Year's Eve party,
I will send tech support a note in a few days about it!
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
OFFICE: (574)631-6668, (574)631-6463
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EMAIL: [email protected]
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