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st: data management problem

From   "Ivica Rubil" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: data management problem
Date   Fri, 16 Dec 2011 14:44:36 +0100

Dear Statalisters

I have the first four variables in the table below in my dataset, and I
wish to generate the fifth variable. This variable should be such that
it is equal to 1 for all members of a particular household if there is
at least one pensioner in this household. Below is the table with only
two households one of which contains at least one pensioner and I wish
to assign 1 to each member of this household. The other household
doesn't contain any pensioner and I wish to assign 0 to each member of
this household. 

How to do that???

  hh_id  |   hh_member | dummy_member_is_pensioner  |
     1   |    1        |      1                     |           1
     1   |    2        |      1                     |           1
     1   |    3        |      0                     |           1
     1   |    4        |      0                     |           1
     2   |    1        |      0                     |           0
     2   |    2        |      0                     |           0
     2   |    3        |      0                     |           0
     ... |    ...      |     ...                    |          ...


Ivica Rubil
Ekonomski institut / The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
a. Trg J. F. Kennedyja 7, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
t. +385-1-2362-269
f. +385-1-2335-165
e. [email protected]

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