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Re: st: RE: how to store the statistics calculated in a loop as a table?
qing ye <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: RE: how to store the statistics calculated in a loop as a table?
Thu, 8 Dec 2011 02:18:32 +0800
hi, I have checked collapse and tabstat, still no ideas about how to
use it combined with a loop?
In the loop, everytime, I calculated one mean_EI_BE, how do I write
this one result into one cell of a table where the columns and rows of
the table reprsents different steps in a looping?
Can anyone help with this?
On 8 December 2011 02:08, qing ye <[email protected]> wrote:
> Thanks for the quick reply.
> I will check the help file for collapse and tabstat
> the group takes the value of 1-6, and the varible FF_group_rank_0
> takes values of 1-6 stating six groups, so I want to loop for each
> group, I guess I need to use forvalues rather than foreach?
> Thanks
> Qing
> On 8 December 2011 02:00, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>> I'd look at -collapse- and/or -tabstat-.
>> In any case, your loop
>> foreach group of varlist FF_group_rank_0 {
>> }
>> will do nothing as `group' is never referred to inside the loop. That probably doesn't matter, but it shows some confusion about what -foreach- does.
>> Nick
>> [email protected]
>> qing ye
>> Do any of you know how to report the results calculated after the loop
>> as tables??
>> forvalues i=1990 (1)2010 {
>> foreach group of varlist FF_group_rank_0 {
>> forvalues n=1(1)6{
>> quietly sum EI_t if
>> trade_date_yearformat==`i' &FF_group_rank_0==`n'
>> local s_EI=r(sum)
>> quietly sum BE_t_1 if
>> trade_date_yearformat==`i' &FF_group_rank_0==`n'
>> local s_BE=r(sum)
>> local mean_EI_BE=`s_EI'/`s_BE'
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> I wanted to have the mean_EI_BE I calculated in the loops reported as a table
>> something like the following:
>> year group1 group2 group3 group4 group5 group6
>> 1990 x x x
>> 1991 x x x
>> 1992 x x x
>> 1993 x x x
>> ....
>> How do I do this? Do I need to use matrix commends to save the
>> mean_EI_BE I calculated each time or do I need to generate some
>> variables before the loop and store the mean_EI_BE in those variables?
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