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st: RE: How to modify the contents of the [if] qualifier in ado files?

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: How to modify the contents of the [if] qualifier in ado files?
Date   Wed, 7 Dec 2011 15:13:54 +0000

	if "`if'"!="" {
		local `if' "`if' & `sample'==0"

should probably be 

	if "`if'"!="" {
		local if "`if' & `sample'==0"
	else local if "if `sample' == 0" 

where you didn't ask about the last bit, but I guess it's what you want. 

[email protected] 

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of [email protected]
Sent: 07 December 2011 14:33
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: How to modify the contents of the [if] qualifier in ado files?

I would like to write a short program that would reestimate a given regression with a smaller number of observations, where
the number of observations to be removed can be determined by a `frc' option.

For now it looks like this:

program test, nclass
	version 9.2
	syntax anything [if] [in], frc(string)

	reg `anything' `if' `in' 
	*mark the sample from previous regression
	tempname sample
	g `sample'=1 if e(sample)
	*mark observations from the end of the e(sample) that I want to exclude from the next estimation
	replace `sample'=0 if `sample'[_n+1]==. & `sample'[_n-1]==1 & "`frc'"!=""
	local i=2
	while `i'<=`frc' {
		replace `sample'=0 if `sample'[_n+1]==0
		local i=`i'+1
	*NOW HERE IS THE ACTUAL PROBLEM, I would like to have the `sample' selection criteria compatible with other possible [if] constraints,
	*that is, I would like the program to run also cases like
	if "`if'"!="" {
	local `if' "`if' & `sample'==0"
	reg `anything' `if' `in' 

For example ->

reg pd unempl if time>tq(1994q1), frc(2)

The if "`if'"!="" {.... part onwards, however, does not work.

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