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st: Fw: appling a gamma distribution random effects model. SAS to Stata
"Brent McSharry" <[email protected]>
"Statalist" <[email protected]>
st: Fw: appling a gamma distribution random effects model. SAS to Stata
Wed, 7 Dec 2011 22:31:54 +1300
I have some SAS code to apply a model to patient data, and I would like to
apply this to our local data (the model is externally validated to predict
length of ICU stay in days).
Unfortunately I have no idea about SAS syntax, and exclusively use stata.
the first part of the SAS code obviously generates a linear coefficient &
applies an exp link
ie in Stata:
scalar s2u = 1
scalar a = 2
generate linCoef = 0.2 + varA * 0.4 + varB*-0.02 ...
generate mu= exp(linCoef)
gen b = mu/a
and then i am affraid I am lost (particularly as the = signs stop and the
tildas ~ begin)
model los_days ~ gamma(a,b);
random u ~ normal(0,s2u) subject=varY out=random;
predict mu out=predout;
Can anyone please assist in translating tothe equivalent Stata code?
Thank you very much for any help.
Brent McSharry
Starship Children's Health
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