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st: The whole code of grid-search for "byable"

From   econqian222 <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: The whole code of grid-search for "byable"
Date   Thu, 24 Nov 2011 03:21:40 -0800 (PST)

Hi, all 
     I encountered a problem in writing the code(grid-searching to obtain
value of sigma) for each value of hs to get the corresponding value of
sigma.  I made the code "byable" to run for each value of hs. However, once
the program runs, and a sigma was obtained for its corresponding value of
hs, all the values of sigma are given for the same value. Could anyone help
me to check this problem? 

Many thanks in advance, 

      The dataset goes like the following: 
hs y x1hat x2hat sigma 
10290 736 283.731 141 
10420 826 10.615 1.375 
10511 276 78 2.687 
10511 528 196.735 3.278 
10511 818 148.753 11.0796 
10511 251 4.861 .718 
10519 276 6.189 .718 
10519 276 9.396 .621 
10519 404 7.355 .636 
10591 682 10.8318 .812 
10591 528 9.09482 .636 
10591 276 8.49024 .417 

Program grid, byable(recall)
"run the following grid-searching code"
by hs: grid

The grid-searching code is listed as following: 
if sigma1 < 1 | sigma1 == . { 
local sigma1_hat = . 
local rho1_hat = . 
local SigmaMin = 1.05 
local SigmaMax = 131.05 
local SigmaJump = 1.0 
local J1 = (`SigmaMax' - `SigmaMin')/`SigmaJump' + 2 
local J2 = 32 

sort product t 
mat uHat = J(`J1',`J2',.) 
local row = 2 

foreach s of numlist `SigmaMin'(`SigmaJump')`SigmaMax'{   
mat uHat[`row',1] = `s' 
local col = 2 
local RhoMax = (`s'-1)/`s' 
local RhoJump = `RhoMax' / (`J2' - 2) 
foreach r of numlist 0(`RhoJump')`RhoMax'{ 
mat uHat[1,`col'] = `r' 
qui gen uTemp = y -((`r') / ((((`s')-1)^2) * (1-(`r')))) * x1hat-((2*(`r')
-1) / (((`s')-1) * (1-(`r')))) * x2hat 
qui  gen sTemp = uTemp*uTemp*(1/period) 
qui summ sTemp, d 
mat uHat[`row',`col'] = r(sum) 
drop uTemp sTemp 
local col = `col' + 1 
local row = `row' + 1 
local MinU = uHat[2,2] 
local rho_hat = uHat[1,2] 
local sigma_hat = uHat[2,1] 
local row = 2 

foreach s of numlist `SigmaMin'(`SigmaJump')`SigmaMax'{ 
 local col = 2 

foreach r of numlist 0(`RhoJump')`RhoMax'{ 
if `MinU' > uHat[`row',`col'] { 
local MinU = uHat[`row',`col'] 
local rho_grid_hat = uHat[1,`col'] 
local sigma_grid_hat = uHat[`row',1] 
local col = `col' + 1 
local row = `row' + 1 
foreach var in sigma rho { 
capture replace `var'1 = ``var'_grid_hat' 
local `var'1_hat = ``var'_grid_hat' 

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