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st: Xtgraph without error bars

From   <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Xtgraph without error bars
Date   Tue, 15 Nov 2011 14:53:25 -0000

Dear users,

I found a link from 2002 to a Statalist msg asking the same thing as I want to ask, where the anwser was that there was a bug with the add-on itself (

I'm trying to graph geometric means through time by group: - xtgraph ta, group(failure_type) av(gm) -
which works fine. But it always adds confidence intervals as a default, even when I add the option - bar(no)- (which is meant to be the right option).
Error bars often take a lot of space on the graphs and reduces visibility as well as "collapsing" a bit all the lines together.

If you have a solution it'd be great, I wonder if the bug within the xtgraph add-on has been corrected in any way, or if a "trick" has been found not to have the error bars.

Many thanks,


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