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st: "by" option can't be command with "do" command

From   Tuki <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: "by" option can't be command with "do" command
Date   Mon, 10 Oct 2011 06:55:30 -0700 (PDT)

Dear all,

I encountered a problem in running a grid-search program for each group of
hs-classified observations in my dataset. For example, there are five values
(10290,10420,10511,10519,10591) of “hs” in the following dataset, how can I
run the grid-search program for each group of the five different values?
Additionally, I tried to write command “by hs:….” to run my grid-search
program for each hs-classified group, unfortunately, the program failed to
run because the debug reminded me that “by” can’t be combined with “do
file”. Can somebody help with this problem?  Thank you very much!

hs	country	cusval	quantity	product	t
10290	736	283.731	141	        57894	14
10420	826	10.615	1.375	        71228	6
10511	276	78	         2.687	18150	9
10511	528	196.735	3.278	        40015	15
10511	818	148.753	11.0796	70071	9
10511	251	4.861	           .718	14568	8
10519	276	6.189	           .718	18151	7
10519	276	9.396           .621	18151	5
10519	404	7.355	           .636	32462	4
10591	682	10.8318	   .812	46729	12
10591	528	9.09482	   .636	40017	8
10591	276	8.49024	   .417	18152	9

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