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st: how to put both coefficient and exponentiated form in a table using estout or similar command

From   "Heekyung \"Hellen\" Kim" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: how to put both coefficient and exponentiated form in a table using estout or similar command
Date   Sat, 8 Oct 2011 16:39:33 -0400

Hi, I want to use -estout (or anything like that) to have a result table.

I am using xtnbreg or nbreg.  I want to put both coefficient and
exponentiated form in ONE table.

I can do one of each using estout without eform for the first and estout
with eform option for expoentiated form.

Is there any way to show both in one table ?

estout, cells(b(star fmt(2)) se(par fmt(2))) drop(_I* o._I*) stats(N ll
chi2, fmt(%8.2f)) 
estout, cells(b(star fmt(2)) se(par fmt(2))) drop(_I* o._I*) stats(N ll
chi2, fmt(%8.2f)) eform

I used the above two line to have SEPARATE tables.  I wish to have one table
containing both.


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